Always be yourself


“Enjoy Your Cats!”- Woke, Entitled Female Gets Destroyed After Whining that She Cannot Find a Masculine Man Who is Not Conservative (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger | 165


A woke female Tiktok user went viral after posting a video whining she cannot find a masculine man who is “not conservative” and got destroyed in the comments section.

As the Daily Mail reported Thursday, Los Angeles-based TikTok user @ms_petch went on Tiktok last week and started venting to her 35,000+ followers about her hapless dating life.

In her video, she wondered why she could not find liberal man who’s “willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship.”

She notes that the only manly men she has ever dated are conservative and this creates a dilemma for her.

The woman hates the idea of compromising her “moral values” just to find a date but longs for someone to take care of her.

You know, one of the saddest realizations I recently was that as a liberal woman it is really had to find a man who’s willing to play the more masculine traditional role in the relationship in today’s day and age who is not a conservative.

A man who wants to pay on the first date, a man who wants to open your door, who has that want and desire to take care of you and to provide who is not a conservative.

So I really do not know what to do because I do not want to compromise my morals and values just to find a man but I am asking how I can have my cake and eat it too.

Trans Man (Bio Woman) Cries After Realizing Life as a Man is Difficult (VIDEO)

A trans man (biological woman) took to social media to tell her followers just how hard life is as a man.

As many online noted, this transgender realized being a man is living life on ‘hard mode.’

“Nobody told me how lonely being a man is,” the transgender said. “I had closer friendships with random women I met in the bathroom I transitioned at clubs because of how open women are than I’ve had in my eight years of transitioning.”

She continued, “Because women are just so much more vulnerable and deep than men.”

The trans individual cried as she realized she had become the ‘cis white man’ that everyone is taught to hate.

“This shit is lonely,” she said



In 1918, a suffragette offered the following advice “to young ladies” on marriage:

One question: what exactly is a yard swiller?

It might work!

I just invested in Head and Shoulder Shampoo futures!


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This is the clearest example I have seen of the entitlement mindset.

Spanky demonizes someone trading a subsidized education for the risks associated with serving our country.

If Spanky’s philosophy rules the day, our country is lost.





