2024 Daily Election Report

9.93% of the vote is in.

The Republican turnout in Districts 10 and 11 are running low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 10.37% of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 13.92% of the Democrats and 7.92% of the Unaffiliated.

The trend continues with the Democrats voting early and the Unaffiliated holding back.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (411.2 KB)

Clerk Mitchell included a Federal government warning about foreign threats and a Colorado state warning about voter intimidation in today’s report.

The Russians and Iranians are your foreign threat actors. Only one conviction in 1,100 reports of threats against election workers resulted in a conviction.

14.73% of the vote is in.

The Republican turnout in Districts 3 and 10 are running low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red). Turnout in District 11 is improving.

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 15.11% of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 20.39% of the Democrats and 11.98% of the Unaffiliated.

The trend continues with the Democrats voting early and the Unaffiliated holding back.

  • The list of voters with ballots has grown by 83 (see below). Can’t tell if these are new registrants. There’s only 5 in-person voters.
    Screenshot (318)

  • I’ve found 21 voters on the 10/20/2024 list that either claim their residence is a mail-box store, or are having their ballots sent to a Post Office via General Delivery. I’ll file challenges with Lori, but all she can do is send them a letter and refer the matter to the DA.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (411.4 KB)

19.66% of the vote is in.

The Republican turnout in Districts 3 and 10 are still running low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 20.47% of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 26.42% of the Democrats and 16.20% of the Unaffiliated.

The trend continues with the Democrats voting early and the Unaffiliated holding back.

  • The “Voters with Ballots” report Lori sends out is a list of registered voters in Chaffee County. It is NOT the list of voters sent mail-in ballots.

  • Because they hadn’t voted yet, Lori rejected my challenge of the first ten voters who claimed their residence is a mail-box store. Today I filed three new challenges of mail-box store residents that had voted.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (411.8 KB)

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28.13% of the vote is in.

The Republican turnout in Districts 3 and 10 are still low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 29.93% of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 36.19% of the Democrats and 23.67% of the Unaffiliated.

The trend continues with the Democrats voting early and the Unaffiliated holding back.

The registered Chaffee County voters list has grown by 174 voters since the first report on 10/18/2024.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (411.9 KB)

33.15% of the vote is in.

The Republican turnout in Precincts 3, 8, and 10 is low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 35.74% of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 42.17% of the Democrats and 27.93% of the Unaffiliated.

With ten voting days to go, it looks like Democratic turnout is ahead with the Republicans trailing. The Unaffiliated voters are staying home.

On Friday, while I was poll-watching at the Salida voting center, a voter from Buena Vista came in asking for a replacement ballot—hers never made it to her PO Box. Kit Kuester from the Chaffee County Clerk’s office told the election judges that they’re still having issues with ballot deliveries from the Buena Vista Post Office, though she said it’s not as bad as last year. She also pointed out that the Poncha Springs Post Office has been having problems too. This doesn’t quite match Clerk Mitchell’s assurances that everything’s running smoothly.

Clerk Mitchell reports that she has employed 28 Democratic, 18 Republican, and 27 Unaffiliated election judges to work the 2024 election.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (411.8 KB)

34.85% of the vote is in.

The Republican turnout in Precincts 3, 8, and 10 is low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 37.37% of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 44.46% of the Democrats and 29.43% of the Unaffiliated.

With eight voting days to go, it looks like Democratic turnout is ahead with the Republicans trailing. The Unaffiliated voters are staying home.

On a lighter note, Clerk Mitchell is threatening voter intimidation charges against me unless I withdraw my mail ballot voter challenges.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (412.6 KB)

44.72% of the vote is in.

The Republican turnout in Precincts 3 and 10 are still low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 47.42 % of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 55.18 % of the Democrats and 38.92 % of the Unaffiliated.

With six voting days to go, it looks like Democratic turnout is ahead, but the Republicans turnout is improving. The Unaffiliated voters are still lagging.

During Tuesday’s observation of the signature verification process, I saw that signatures on ballot envelopes are compared to those in the Secretary of State’s SCORE database. About 6% of signatures were flagged as mismatches. Occasionally, SCORE returned an “Image not Found” error for missing voter signatures. Rejected signatures undergo further checks, and if they remain unverifiable, the voter is asked to “cure” the ballot. Uncured ballots are referred to the District Attorney’s office for investigation.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (412.7 KB)

50.88% of the vote is in.

The Republican turnout in Precincts 3 and 10 are still low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 54.16 % of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 61.26% of the Democrats and 44.81% of the Unaffiliated.

With five full voting days to go, it looks like Democratic turnout is ahead, but the Republicans turnout is improving. The Unaffiliated voters are still lagging.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (412.8 KB)

55.44% of the vote is in.

The Republican turnout in Precinct 10 is still low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 59.32 % of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 65.92% of the Democrats and 49.14% of the Unaffiliated.

With four full voting days to go, it looks like Democratic turnout is ahead, but the Republicans turnout is improving. The Unaffiliated voters are still lagging.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (412.8 KB)

60.17% of the vote is in. As of Sunday, 11-3-2024

The Republican turnout in Precinct 10 is still low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 64.44 % of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 70.32% of the Democrats and 53.87% of the Unaffiliated.

With two voting days to go, it looks like Democratic turnout is ahead, but the Republicans turnout is improving. The Unaffiliated voters are still lagging.

The registered voter roll list has grown by almost 300 voters since 10/18/2024.
GOTV Chaffee.pdf (412.9 KB)

71.08% of the vote is in as of 5:30pm, 11/4/2024.

The Republican turnout in Precinct 3 is low compared to the other districts (highlighted in red).

Scrolling to the bottom of the sheet, a total of 76.61% of the Republicans in Chaffee County have voted compared to 80.17% of the Democrats and 64.68% of the Unaffiliated.

With one voting day to go, it looks like Democratic turnout is ahead, but the Republicans turnout is improving. The Unaffiliated voters are still lagging.

The registered voter roll list has grown by 356 voters since 10/18/2024.

GOTV Chaffee.pdf (412.9 KB)

I don’t expect the final election numbers until December 2nd. Once the election is certified, the final numbers will be published.

  • November 13 – Last day for voters to correct a signature or ID discrepancy.
  • November 13 – Last day for military and overseas ballots to be received by county clerks.
  • November 18 – Deadline for the Secretary of State’s Office to establish the 20-digit random seed for the bipartisan Risk Limiting Audit and notify counties of the ballots selected for audit.
  • November 26– Deadline for county audit boards to report results of the bipartisan Risk Limiting Audit to the Secretary of State’s Office.
  • November 29 – Deadline for Secretary of State’s Office to order a statutory recount.
  • December 2 – First day for the Secretary of State’s Office to compile results and for the Secretary of State to certify the election.

Reason for delay in certifying the Colorado election? We’re hearing that they are about to flip HD16 back to Vigil (D). Unverified, but happening now.
