Community Roundtable Notes:
County Commissioner PT Wood started a community leadership roundtable that would be modeled after the one held by the county during COVID. The goal is to bring together individuals and organizations with shared objectives to foster open communication. He expressed concern about impending spending freezes and reductions at both the state and federal levels, with the state currently facing a significant deficit of $500M to $1B. The roundtable aims to identify local vulnerabilities and strengthen programs.
The meeting was attended by 63 participants, including staff from Colorado’s U.S. senators and Representative Petersen’s offices, Salida City Council members, the Buena Vista mayor, various nonprofits, and government organizations.
Key Updates:
• Beth Helmke (County Representative): The county has reviewed state and federal funding to identify vulnerabilities but did not provide specific details.
• Betsy Dittenber (Chaffee County Community Foundation):
◦ Shared insights on the impact of nonprofits in Chaffee County.
◦ Estimated there are approximately 100 nonprofits in the county, with about 75 actively operating.
◦ Conducted a survey with 37 responses: 17 respondents anticipated receiving federal funding totaling $10.5M.
◦ Noted that all federal grant proposals included a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) component.
◦ Warned that most federal grant funding is allocated for staffing, potentially leading to layoffs if funds are reduced.
Sector-Specific Concerns:
• A local fire chief reported difficulties hiring wildfire firefighters due to federal hiring portals being shut down. Additionally, fireworks costs may rise because of trade tariffs.
• A representative from Senator Bennet’s office pledged to help but noted challenges as federal agency contacts are transitioning with the new administration.
• Kate Garwood (Chaffee Shuttle): Reported not receiving expected funds from CDOT.
• Buena Vista Mayor Libby Fay: Stressed the need for federal funding to sustain affordable housing projects.
• Andrea Carlstrom (Public Health): Proposed the county issue a general statement for roundtable attendees to sign.
• Max Hanson (Housing Director): Highlighted that programs addressing DEI initiatives, immigrant populations, and the Green New Deal are likely to face spending freezes and cuts.
• Several participants proposed establishing county, city, and town funds to provide loans to support local programs losing funding. This idea did not receive strong support from county officials.