BVP, In my mind, Gender Queer is pornographic. Attacking the Bible is attacking a Strawman.
This makes it abundantly clear you have never read Gender Queer.
Let me give you some facts about Gender Queer
- The author was born biologically female.
- The author identifies as non-binary/asexual.
- The images from Gender Queer that you like to use as “pornography” are in most cases, two women engaging in consensual sexual acts. Or they are sexual fantasies. Either way, who cares, people get to have whatever kind of sex they want.
- The above shared image, which appears to depict oral sex is not in fact a PENIS. It is a strap-on dildo(I know, I know, clutch the pearls). Also, since the author is biologically female, how is this grooming for young men?
Books about the LGBTQ experience are not pornography. They do not groom children for pedophiles.
Look over here! There are penises! Oh no! Don’t half of us have one? Have you tried an internet search for penises? If you’re really worried about the content that children can find, you should start there. I hope there aren’t boobs or vaginas, dogs and horses, what will we do!
Googling penises, is your hobby-not ours.
Sick burn. That’ll teach me?
What are the names of these pornographic books that the library has on their shelves? Prove that they are pornographic.
GetReadyMan, your definition of pornographic illustrates your bigotry perfectly. Just because you don’t agree with or understand people who are different doesn’t mean you can apply inaccurate labels to fit your political agenda.
The average person, abiding by local community standards, would consider these images obscene due to their offensive depiction of sexual conduct. However, you argue that these books hold political value as they explore the “LGBTQ experience” and should, therefore, not be deemed obscene.
If a book containing explicit images of heterosexual conduct, which the community deems obscene, were to assert its political value by portraying the “heterosexual experience,” it is unlikely that such a book would be included in our library collection.
I will allow you the final comment in this topic before closing this discussion to further posts. It appears that the ongoing conversation is not persuading anyone and is only serving to agitate the community.
So much for discourse, eh? The community feels pretty calm to me, I feel pretty calm. So I’m sorry that other folks on here on getting agitated. It’s odd to close down what seems to be the most popular topic on this silly site.
I’m curious about what you consider “local community standards”, because that seems very subjective to the individual. I think most folks in the community do not consider these images to be “obscene” as it is a very small minority that is agitated.
These books do hold value (and not everything is political), they hold value to the child who is going through these experiences and figuring out who they are, they hold value to the families of LGBTQ community members who want to understand what their loved ones are going through, they hold value to allies of the LGBTQ community. They hold value to those of us who value the LGBTQ community, those of us who understand that it doesn’t matter who you love, it’s who you are that counts.
There are many books in libraries that have “explicit images”(again, whatever you deem that to be I suppose) of heterosexual conduct. Surprisingly enough, these fly under the radar, nobody seems upset about it when the couple participating is straight. So yes, these books would be and are included in library collections.
Have you ever even been to the library? You’re very into labeling it “our library”, but it’s very obvious from your posts and lack of general knowledge about the local library that you aren’t what they would consider a regular. You also clearly don’t know the variety that exists in these graphic novels that everyone seems so afraid of. Or in literature itself, there is so much sex in books! Straight sex, animal sex, LGBTQ sex, all the sex. Sex isn’t the problem. The LGBTQ community isn’t the problem. Ignorant bigots who refuse to be open to other people and their experiences are the problem.
The above comment is the tell all that you are not a library patron nor do you have any clue as to what our amazing library houses, it seems per earlier conversations you only go by false speculation.
The library has some great adult materials on how to have a better sex life, LOTS of novels with explicit content on romantic relationships. And if they don’t have them on the shelve you can borrow from other libraries or even through your ebook device. How about Kama sutra — too much for you?
Maybe you should frequent the library and get facts rather than expounding theories and personal opinions with no backing. I am sure you will be treated as all community members are, with respect and courtesy.
You are now getting ridiculous. Obviously you cannot see anything beyond what you want to see. I’ve looked at these books and they are disgusting and if you can’t see that they are geared toward indoctrination of innocent children, then I feel sorry for you. You wish to read them then that’s up to you but NO ONE has a right to show them to children/teens under 18. That is the law!
So we’re still going. Still live…
You have been ridiculous the whole time. Doubling down on misinformation and continuing to try and spread misinformation. This must be that agitation that Dash was referring to.
I’ve looked at these books too, and look how great I turned out!
These books are not indoctrination, that is a small-minded argument. And I know you’re just going to double back to your standard “child porn” argument, but that is blatantly incorrect. There are no laws being violated. Taking a book off a shelf is a choice, that is up to the individual. There is no required reading in the library.
Nobody is forcibly showing children anything. These books are available for the individuals who choose to read them. NO ONE IS SHOWING THEM TO CHILDREN WHEN THEY WALK IN THE DOOR. I’ve been in the library many times and nobody is forcibly handing anyone anything. So just stop it.
So we’re still going. Still live…
You have been ridiculous the whole time. Doubling down on misinformation and continuing to try and spread misinformation. This must be that agitation that Dash was referring to.
I’ve looked at these books too, and look how great I turned out!
These books are not indoctrination, that is a small-minded argument. And I know you’re just going to double back to your standard “child porn” argument, but that is blatantly incorrect. There are no laws being violated. Taking a book off a shelf is a choice, that is up to the individual. There is no required reading in the library.
Nobody is forcibly showing children anything. These books are available for the individuals who choose to read them. NO ONE IS SHOWING THEM TO CHILDREN WHEN THEY WALK IN THE DOOR. I’ve been in the library many times and nobody is forcibly handing anyone anything. So just stop it.