Salida Rosary Rally at the Salida Regional Library

Shocking: Taxpayer Funded American Library Association Provides Tactics for Disrupting Conservative Events in Public Libraries “If You Have a Kirk Cameron Story Hour Booked in Your Library…Have a Library Sponsored Pride Festival the Same Day and Fill the Library with Rainbows” (Video)

Shocking: Taxpayer Funded American Library Association Provides Tactics for Disrupting Conservative Events in Public Libraries “If You Have a Kirk Cameron Story Hour Booked in Your Library…Have a Library Sponsored Pride Festival the Same Day and Fill the Library with Rainbows” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin | 168

Actor Kirk Cameron is spearheading “See You at the Library” events across the nation on August 5th to provide wholesome events at libraries for children.

Brave Books shares, “Kirk Cameron, alongside BRAVE Books, has been visiting libraries and holding story hours across the country to teach kids about faith, hope, and love. On August 5, 2023**,** we are calling on all families who love God and love America to gather at our local public libraries to pray, sing, and read BRAVE Books and other books of virtue. Imagine thousands of local public libraries filled by you, your friends, your pastors, your teachers and your local representatives on this date.”

But the leftists running the American Library Association (ALA), which have no issue hosting and supporting drag time story hours for young children, is providing librarians with ways to disrupt the wholesome events

On a Zoom conference call, ALA Director Deborah Caldwell-Stone gave tips on how libraries can “keep control” and how to “handle” the See You at the Library events, including ways to disrupt the experience for families.

When asked by a viewer to clarify what she said about the Kirk Cameron room booking for the August 5th event, Caldwell-Stone shared:

“You’re a public agency. Unfortunately it’s a little bit of Caesar’s coin there….you’re committed to non discrimination in the provision of services. So if someone wants, you know, who’s eligible to use the room, books the room, and has a Kirk Cameron story hour, you know they’re entitled to do that. The law protects their ability to do that.”

“But what you can do is exercise your own speech as an institution, you know.”

Public libraries actually have their own right to engage in government speech to make clear what their mission is, who they support what their goals are and so, if you have a Kirk Cameron story hour booked in your library you could actually have a library sponsored pride festival the same day and fill the library with rainbows and have other programming in place.”

“You can put posters on the wall that make clear what the library’s mission is and commitment to inclusion and diversity is as people walk in.”

“You can make sure that there are anti harassment provisions in your behavior policy.”

“There are many steps you can take to make it clear where the library stands while serving your obligation as an institution obligated to follow the First Amendment rules, which do apply to every user in the community.”

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Stage 4: Desensitization to Sexual Content and Physical Contact

This stage usually happens right before abuse occurs. During this fourth stage, the perpetrator prepares the minor for abuse by desensitizing them to sexual content (such as showing them pornography and nudity) and increasing nonsexual touch:

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All great tips from the ALA.

Want to be a fair person?

Apply what famous Civil Libertarian Attorney Alan Dershowitz calls “the shoe on the other foot” test: Would you vote the same way if the shoe were on the other foot?

If a Fundamentalist Christian Library Director applied a litmus test to employee hires, and only allowed their own personal beliefs to be represented within the library, Friendlyneighborhood would be protesting in the streets. And guess what? I would be also, because it would be WRONG! But the not-so aptly named Friendlyneighborhood is fine as long as her own beliefs are dominant and are forcibly inflicted on others.

Politics, religion and sexual preference should not be front and center in defining library policy! Treat everyone equally, cater to some degree to the tastes of everyone, and there is no problem. You instead preach diversity, but only want to allow one way of thinking.

The American Library Association(ALA) video/transcript from above provides cover for Library Staffs to act as judge, jury and executioner for anyone who uses the library but does not check off the proper ideological boxes. To this unFriedlyneighborhood says “All great tips from the ALA”. This is advocacy for library employees to abuse their taxpayer-funded position!

The Library demanded protection from censorship, at the same time as they feel empowered to censor others at will. Those who stake out such extremist, intolerant positions are actually hurting the causes they claim to believe in. Congratulations on reaching a new low.

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Oh Dash, I’m so glad you’re trying to be fair. Thank you for giving me so much to work with.

“But the not-so aptly named Friendlyneighborhood is fine as long as her own beliefs are dominant and are forcibly inflicted on others.”

  • Friendlyneighborhood here, not forcibly inflicting my own beliefs on anyone. Literally over here calling for inclusion for everybody. I do not want one way of thinking, I want books about religion, politics and sexual preference. Yes, sexual preference. Yes, religion. Yes, politics. I don’t care what your politics are, what your religion is, or what your sexual preference is. Be who you are, read what you want to read and rock out how you want to rock out. That is the main point in all of this.

“Treat everyone equally, cater to some degree to the tastes of everyone, and there is no problem.”
- finally something we agree on. I knew we could find common ground. Is this that more than one way of thinking you’re preaching so hard about?

If there are books you would like to see in the library, request that they purchase them. The Salida library has many books about politics, religion and sexual preference AS THEY SHOULD. That is how libraries work, they curate collections for everyone. You’re saying you don’t want certain things, I’m saying there should be all the things. That is where our two paths diverge.

“The Library demanded protection from censorship, at the same time as they feel empowered to censor others at will.”

-I will say again since it hasn’t been clear for you from all the other times I’ve said it. Libraries do not censor others. They have items in their collections for everyone. You cannot pick and choose because something offends your delicate sensibilities.

Some libraries have bibles, which many people find offensive. Some libraries have copies of Gender Queer, which many people find offensive. Some libraries have copies of Mein Kampf, which many people find offensive. Some libraries have copies of Captain Underpants, which many people find offensive. Some libraries have copies of Are you there God, it’s me, Margaret, which many people find offensive. Some libraries have copies of Harry Potter, which many people find offensive. Some libraries have copies of the Kama Sutra, which many people find offensive.

The point is, these items are available because someone somewhere wants to read them, and libraries accommodate that. If there is something you think the library should have, request it. In my experience, libraries are very invested in having a diversified collection.

And to circle back to the ALA. If a library hosts Kirk and BRAVE books, great. Let them. If a library hosts Drag Queens reading, great. Let them. I am presuming these events are not mandatory, as most library programs are not. So this way a family or individual has the CHOICE to attend them or the CHOICE not to. Which goes back to having something for EVERYONE. Some people would find it very offensive to have a well-known Evangelical Christian reading to their children, so they would CHOOSE not to go (just like some families would be excited and CHOOSE to go). Just like some people would find it very offensive to have a drag queen reading to their children, so they would CHOOSE not to go (just like some families would be excited and CHOOSE to go).

Are you picking up on the CHOICE theme? Because I’m laying it on pretty thick.

Friendlyneighborhood, from my new low.

And if someone wants to hold a Rosary Rally, and plans to quietly stand across the street from the library and pray ten minutes for the safety of children, it is OK for taxpayer-paid library staff to organize an anti-protest using library facilities and resources to shout them down.

After all, you were just following ALA guidelines.

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Oh just stop. You’re grasping here.

Go ahead and pray for the safety of children, but don’t decide what they can and cannot read.

Butt out, leave that to the families. It isn’t your choice to make. But go ahead and pray, I’m sure that will stop all the things that are trying to get to the children.

I won a bet!

You only post during Library works hours.

My advocacy is on my own time and dime.

Thanks for soaking the taxpayer!

Ha. Cute. I post when I feel like checking this “discourse”.

Thanks for being full of nonsense.

For reference, the library hours are quite broad, so if I’m posting during the day, I guess I am posting during library hours. Your detective work is incredible.

Solid work, yet again.

Why do all you snowflakes want to ban books? How many kids have been killed by books? ZERO. How many kids have been killed by guns? Firearms are the #1 cause of death for children in the USA, but yeah let’s ban some books so you aren’t offended. That’s weak sauce! Your kids wont turn gay because they read a book. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. What are you so afraid of that you want to ban books? Instead, why don’t you have an honest conversation with your kids and let them know what bigots you are.

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Get a clue Kathy! The library doesn’t have porn. That’s a gross mischaracterization. You either don’t understand the issue or you prefer to lie.

Following your logic…We need to ban the bible from all public libraries and schools. Either your book banning will be honest and consistent and will add the Bible to your list on the same exact grounds as your demand other books to be, OR your hypocrisy, racism, and dishonesty will be evident for all to see.

  1. The Bible describes marriage for young girls as something awful and that wives are far from being an equal.
    Samuel 12:11 Thus says the Lord, “Behold, I will raise up evil against you from your own household; I will even take your wives before your eyes and give them to your companion, and he will lie with your wives in broad daylight.”

  2. The Bible does not value babies and often caused them to be eaten as food. Note how God executes His punishments: Leviticus 26:27–29 “Yet if in spite of this you do not obey Me, but act with hostility against Me, then I will act with wrathful hostility against you, and I, even I, will punish you seven times for your sins. Further, you will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters you will eat.”

  3. The Bible promotes racism, genocide, and mass murder: Deuteronomy 7:1–6 “When the Lord your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, (genocide by any definition) the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you, and when the Lord your God delivers them before you and you defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no favor to them. Furthermore, you shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughters to their sons, nor shall you take their daughters for your sons. For they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods; then the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you and He will quickly destroy you. But thus, you shall do to them: you shall tear down their altars, and smash their sacred pillars, and hew down their Asherim, and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.

  4. The Bible teaches young boys that God sees nothing wrong with raping young girls as long as they are virgins: Deuteronomy 22:28–29: “If a man finds a girl who is a virgin, who is not engaged, and SEIZES her and lies with her and they are discovered, then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall become his wife because he has violated her; he cannot divorce her all his days.”

  5. The Bible does not only tolerate slavery; God endorses it: Exodus 21:20–21: “If a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod and he dies at his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, he survives a day or two, no vengeance shall be taken; for he is his property.”

  6. The Bible makes your children ignorant about science and stunts their ability to critically think, thus putting their future at great risk. Critical thinking skills are necessary to make good decisions based on facts and not on rumor or myth: A few of the absurd things that the Bible will wrongly teach them are true, follows:
    Demons cause blindness and epilepsy.
    That creating man before the animals (Genesis 2:15–19) does not contradict animals being created before man (Genesis 1:24–27).
    Angels have the same DNA as humans, as they can and did have sexual intercourse with humans to make baby giants. (See Genesis 6:4)
    The sun stood still for an entire day so that Joshua could finish one of his genocides.
    There is no need to wash their hands before eating. In fact, Jesus himself mocked those that did.
    That the earth was created in seven days, less than 10,000 years ago.
    They should cut off their hand or pluck out their eyes if they cause temptation. See Matthew 5:27–30 and 18:8–9.

What is the library censoring? You lost me there.

Ok, not sure your intent, but if you are a library user then you know, the Salida library has amazing open hours, more than most I have found around the state or other places I have lived.
So the fact that the person commenting happens to do so during “library hours” doesn’t mean much. Well, I guess it could mean he or she (funny how you assumed the commentor is a “her”) has a life and doesn’t spend evenings obsessed with discourse.

This topic is getting mundane.

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I am concerned with the presence of explicit content, particularly homosexual pornography, in the public library. I want to emphasize that my intention is not to impose personal beliefs or promote fear of books. Instead, I believe it is crucial to strike a balance between freedom of speech and the principles of respect and decorum in our diverse society, where individuals hold a wide range of beliefs and backgrounds.

I appreciate and support the importance of not advocating for a complete ban on books. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that there are instances where certain materials may require restrictions. For instance, books detailing the construction of improvised explosive devices should rightfully be banned due to the potential harm they pose. In light of this, it raises the question of whether explicit content, such as the images of homosexual pornography shown below, should also be subject to restrictions.

One observation that I find noteworthy is the apparent abundance of books in public libraries that seem to target young males, aiming to groom them toward homosexual behavior. I wonder why there is a lack of graphic books that promote heterosexual behavior for young males.

It is crucial to acknowledge that individuals of all sexual orientations can be attracted to younger individuals. Just as older heterosexual males may be attracted to younger women, older homosexual males may be attracted to young men. It is my concern that these explicit books are being used to desensitize young men to homosexual content through the medium of pornography.

Furthermore, I have noticed that in today’s rapidly changing world, the relevance of printed books has diminished with the advent of the internet. By the time a book is written, edited, and published, the information it contains may already be outdated. The internet allows information to be disseminated much more quickly and conveniently, making the printed word cataloged in public libraries less practical compared to the vast resources available on digital platforms.

Considering these points, I can’t help but wonder if the American Library Association has played a role in the creation of this issue, possibly as an attempt to revitalize an institution that may be struggling to maintain political relevance in our rapidly evolving society.



Not sure why you are on a rant against the Bible (but that’s your problem) and no one ever said anything about banning books. Just a diversion from you, just like the Library Director in her emails posted above, to not answer questions of why our local tax funded library has child porn books in our library but instead tried to make it about anti gay and banning books when she set up her “protest”. Diversion, plan and simple.

The point of the rosary was to bring attention to the child porn books which has been accomplished. Not sure how many of these child porn books the library actually has out of the 13 books that Father Jim brought attention to. One library staff employee said 5, one said 4 and the director stated in her article in the mountainmail that they only had 2.

These books are very sexually explicit, especially 1 of the 2 the library director actually said they have, and definitely fits into the category of child pornography. Any type of pornography is very harmful in the development of children and teens so every adult should be appalled.

Just so you understand and “get a clue” here is the definition of child porn:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Child Pornography (also call CP, child sexual abuse material, CSAM, child porn, or kiddie porn) is unlawful pornography is most jurisdictions that exploits children for sexual stimulation. It may be produced with the direct involvement or sexual assault of a child (also known as child sexual abuse images) or it may be simulated child pornography. Abuse of the child occurs during the sexual acts or LASCIVIOUS EXHIBITIONS OF GENITALS or public areas which are recorded in the production of child pornography. Child pornography may be used in a variety of mediums, including writings, magazines, photos, sculpture, DRAWINGS, painting, animation, sound recording, video and video games. Child pornography may be created for profit or other reasons”.

So, yes, these books definitely fit into the category of child porn books (read the definition of child porn above again) and not a “gross mischaracterization” as you stated. Obviously you have not looked at these books or you would be just as appalled. These are very sexually explicit images and definitely not for the benefit of children/teens but exploitation.

I hope you open your mind and check out these books and see why I’m taking this stand to protect children that will harm them for life.

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Thank you for this. Very well said.

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Well done BuenaVistaPatriot

Maybe they should organize a rally to pray for children reading the bible, seems like there is a lot of obscene content in there.

Library still has it on the shelf though, in the interest of that something for everyone thing.

Good news. There isn’t any “homosexual pornography” in the public library.

There are no books grooming young men toward “homosexual behavior”, whatever that even means. There are books about the LGBTQ experience, both fiction and non-fiction. Just like there are books about the heterosexual experience, both fiction and non-fiction. You understand that reading books doesn’t change your sexuality right? Most people are capable of reading Jurassic Park without wanting to have sex with a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

“It is my concern that these explicit books are being used to desensitize young men to homosexual content through the medium of pornography.”

Tell me again how it isn’t about bigotry toward the LGBTQ community? Tell me again how you’re open and accepting? Being gay, queer, trans, lesbian etc isn’t about reading books, it’s not catching. It’s who you are, how you’re born. It isn’t going to get you if you read a book about the LGBTQ experience.

“The internet allows information to be disseminated much more quickly and conveniently, making the printed word cataloged in public libraries less practical compared to the vast resources available on digital platforms.”

You’re right, the internet is platform on which anyone can climb and spew whatever nonsense comes to mind, this is well proven. It’s also a convenient way to disseminate misinformation. Viva la internet! Damn the man, kill the printed word. Let’s make sure to give these poor young men you’re so worried about complete and unfettered internet access, that should go fine. There certainly isn’t anything menacing out there that could harm them, is there?

Yep, cycle back to the big bad ALA, surely they are the ones creating this problem. Certainly not the folks who are so ignorant of library content they take to the internet to spread misinformation about things they know nothing about.

Thanks for including the photos. Shock value with no context is important. How will any of us sleep tonight.

BTW, I checked their website. The library is closed today. So technically this is outside of “library hours”, I hope that’s okay.

Kathy, if you’re allowed to rant about the LGBTQ books you’re so scared of, I think BuenaVistaPatriot is completely allowed to rant about the content of the bible. Seems like tit for tat.

Also, if no one ever said anything about banning books, why are you upset these titles are in libraries? If you want them removed, that is you asking for them to be banned from the library.

Our local tax funded library does not have child porn, it has books and some of them have pictures, some of them are about LGBTQ people, some of them are about bees, some of them are about murdering spouses, some of them are about penguins. Do you know there are children’s books about robot families. Are those families gender non-conforming? How will we explain this to the children?!? What is Timmy supposed to think about having two robot parents?

Does this sound like nonsense? It sure does. Just like every point you make about the books and identities you clearly know nothing about.

But sure, take your stand, a couple of these guys seem to be listening.

Bad news. There is “homosexual pornography” in the public library.

Books in the library, like Gender Queer, are being used to groom young men toward homosexual behavior. You understand that pedophiles prepare the minors for abuse by desensitizing them to sexual content with pornography, right?

Yes, I truly am bigoted against pederasts!