Shocking: Taxpayer Funded American Library Association Provides Tactics for Disrupting Conservative Events in Public Libraries “If You Have a Kirk Cameron Story Hour Booked in Your Library…Have a Library Sponsored Pride Festival the Same Day and Fill the Library with Rainbows” (Video)
Actor Kirk Cameron is spearheading “See You at the Library” events across the nation on August 5th to provide wholesome events at libraries for children.
Brave Books shares, “Kirk Cameron, alongside BRAVE Books, has been visiting libraries and holding story hours across the country to teach kids about faith, hope, and love. On August 5, 2023**,** we are calling on all families who love God and love America to gather at our local public libraries to pray, sing, and read BRAVE Books and other books of virtue. Imagine thousands of local public libraries filled by you, your friends, your pastors, your teachers and your local representatives on this date.”
But the leftists running the American Library Association (ALA), which have no issue hosting and supporting drag time story hours for young children, is providing librarians with ways to disrupt the wholesome events
On a Zoom conference call, ALA Director Deborah Caldwell-Stone gave tips on how libraries can “keep control” and how to “handle” the See You at the Library events, including ways to disrupt the experience for families.
When asked by a viewer to clarify what she said about the Kirk Cameron room booking for the August 5th event, Caldwell-Stone shared:
“You’re a public agency. Unfortunately it’s a little bit of Caesar’s coin there….you’re committed to non discrimination in the provision of services. So if someone wants, you know, who’s eligible to use the room, books the room, and has a Kirk Cameron story hour, you know they’re entitled to do that. The law protects their ability to do that.”
“But what you can do is exercise your own speech as an institution, you know.”
“Public libraries actually have their own right to engage in government speech to make clear what their mission is, who they support what their goals are and so, if you have a Kirk Cameron story hour booked in your library you could actually have a library sponsored pride festival the same day and fill the library with rainbows and have other programming in place.”
“You can put posters on the wall that make clear what the library’s mission is and commitment to inclusion and diversity is as people walk in.”
“You can make sure that there are anti harassment provisions in your behavior policy.”
“There are many steps you can take to make it clear where the library stands while serving your obligation as an institution obligated to follow the First Amendment rules, which do apply to every user in the community.”