Salida Rosary Rally at the Salida Regional Library

Posted on Salida Regional Library’s facebook page yesterday.

Why do you hate the 1st Amendment? The First Amendment is the 1st because it’s the most important. The freedom of speech is what our country was found upon. Why are you snowflakes afraid of books? You don’t have to read books you don’t like or that offend you, but you have NO RIGHT to tell anyone else what they cannot read, think, or say. What make you so holy and righteous that you know what’s best for everyone? Your “interpretation” of your religion is yours alone and CANNOT be projected or forced upon someone else. The separation of Church and State is as fundamental to the origins of the USA as the Bill of Rights.


I don’t hate the First Amendment, nor do I advocate for limiting or infringing upon anyone’s freedom of speech. In fact, the First Amendment is indeed a fundamental cornerstone of American democracy, and it protects the rights of individuals to express their opinions, beliefs, and ideas freely.

The notion that I or anyone else might be against the First Amendment stems from a misunderstanding. It is important to note that the First Amendment also guarantees the freedom of thought, conscience, and the separation of church and state. This means that individuals have the right to believe or not believe in any particular religion, and the government cannot enforce or favor any specific religious doctrine.

Furthermore, the freedom of speech does not absolve one from facing criticism or consequences for their words. While individuals have the right to express their opinions, others also have the right to challenge those opinions or choose not to engage with them. Freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from the societal repercussions that might arise from expressing certain views.

It is not a matter of being “afraid of books” or trying to impose personal beliefs on others. It is about recognizing that in a diverse society, where people hold a wide range of beliefs and backgrounds, it is important to balance the freedom of speech with the principles of respect, empathy, and inclusivity.

Ultimately, the First Amendment protects the individual’s right to express themselves, while also acknowledging the need for responsible discourse and mutual understanding in a democratic society. It is through open dialogue and respectful engagement that we can create an inclusive environment where diverse voices can be heard and respected.

All that being said, no one wants homosexual, or heterosexual pornography in the children’s section of the library.

The library quietly removed the offending books to the adult section of the library.

If you support the First Amendment and the free exchange of ideas then you can’t support banning books. None of the books in the library have pornography in them. That’s a slanderous overstatement made to shock and scare. I’m scared of you snowflakes that want to ban books. What are you afraid of? Anyone who wants to keep someone else from reading a book needs to take their head out of the sand and smell the fresh air of free will. Just because your personal morals don’t approve of something give you no right to impose your opinions and judgements on someone else. This whole thread is pathetic!


BVP- are you a mindless shill from the Salida Library/PfCA, or you are just chronically uninformed?

Nowhere do you mention the single most salient fact:

These books were in the CHILDREN"S LIBRARY!

There are many legal adult materials that are restricted from children in our society.

It’s the law!

Instead of making a generic first amendment argument, please be specific:

  1. Explain your apparent belief that children are really little adults that deserve no special protection.
  2. Explain how first amendment protections do not apply to those questioning how their tax money is being used to purchase and place pornography in a public children’s library.
  3. Explain how imagery of sex acts between children are not pornographic-see below.

This link appears above showing excerpts from Gender Queer, but I will repeat it for you:

SHOCKING: Images from book ‘Gender Queer,’ which is stocked in school libraries across Iowa - The Iowa Standard

Here is a rational response from a different Library:

Book With Sexually Explicit Images And Themes Found In Keller ISD School Library - CBS Texas (

"It’s the work of an American author and includes sexually explicit cartoons with captions.

Until recently, the book was on the shelf in one of the Keller ISD high school libraries.

When images and text from the book appeared on social media the reaction was sharp and negative.

“Disturbing” and “This shouldn’t have been in a children’s library” were some of the responses on Twitter.

Keller ISD released the following statement on the matter:

Keller ISD is aware of a report on social media about a book in one of our libraries that contained inappropriate images. One copy of the book in question was once available at a single high school library. There was no indication from the book’s description that it contained graphic illustrations; however, once the librarian and campus administrators became aware of the images, they immediately removed the book. Illustrations of this sort should never be available in the school environment. Ensuring our curricular materials are appropriate for students is a priority for Keller ISD. We are changing the process we use to review and approve books and related materials to prevent future incidents."

Here is how this book was described in the great state of Hawaii

Gender Queer: DoE Makes Gay Blowjob Book Available in School Libraries > Hawaii Free Press

BVP-please tell us where Mark Kostelic is wrong. Please be specific:

As an avid library patron, I’ve had the pleasure of discussing these titles with librarians (and gasp, even reading some of them)“These books” were never in the children’s area. I’m assuming that by “These books”, you mean the titles on the list provided for the Rosary Rally. “These books” are all located upstairs at the library in the adult fiction/non-fiction areas. This is a whole separate floor and about 100 feet from the children’s area. The deliberate continued spreading of misinformation is getting out of hand, it’s very clear that nobody has spent time in the library or the location of these titles would be very obvious.
I suggest getting a library card, wandering around the local library and asking some questions of the staff that works there.
There are no fiercer defenders of your (or anyone’s) right to read whatever they chose than a librarian.


Just a heads up, the library didn’t quietly remove anything. The books were already in the proper locations prior to this whole hullabaloo. I’m curious if anyone who is so vocal on this posting has gone into the library to actually find out some information for themselves instead of taking misinformation and running with it.

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Great book. Anyone read it?

Librarian TaAnna Brown told us they did in fact move the child porn books to the adult section.


Since it seems like you’re confused about TaAnna’s actual response and since the post was deleted on Facebook, I thought I would post the screenshots of the conversation. If you’re going to use someone else’s words, you should make sure you’re using the right ones before you regurgitate them. Right now all you’re doing is spreading misinformation and lies to the community you’re trying to “protect”.

Ms. Brown stated that “If you are referring to the books that are on the Rosary Rally sheet, we only own five of them. I have looked at those. They are in the adult section. I can show you where they are shelved if you would like to come in.”
Ms. Brown never once mentioned that the books were moved, as they HAVE NOT been moved.

Maybe we should take a stance on something real, instead of chasing ghosts and false conspiracy theories about our local librarians.

Again, I reiterate, maybe you should spend some time in the library instead of disseminating false information on a questionable internet platform. It feels here that logic and reason have left the room.


Out in the open? Horses and dogs! God forbid we let people make their own choices about what they read.

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Thank you for providing the screenshots of the conversation. It’s important to ensure accuracy when discussing someone else’s statements. I apologize if there was any confusion or misinformation in my previous comments. I’ll make sure to review the screenshots you shared to better understand the situation. It’s crucial to promote accurate information and avoid spreading false conspiracy theories. I appreciate your suggestion to focus on real issues and spend time in the library to gather reliable information.


I actually stopped by the library and spoke to the librarians, got a tour. Has anyone else done this? Are any of you familiar with the library?
What I learned is that much misinformation is being spread, especially on this forum. I spoke with TaAnna Brown about the accusations Kathryn continues to spread, specifically stating Ms. Brown “told her” the books were moved. (Please see attached screen shot of the actual FB encounter - as a new member, I am limited to what I can upload, so it will be in two replies. I will not call it a conversation, because per the staff, never did Kathryn call or come into the library seeking the truth. This Kathryn and all the others who continue to perpetuate her false claims are misleading people and flat out lying.
This type of blatant lying only ensures the gullible will continue to spread lies and I assume that is the hope of the small select group trying to tear down the library.
Please, do your due diligence and find the facts out yourself. What happened to listening, fact finding and discussions? Are people afraid of this, do you feel powerful misrepresenting information through an online forum with zero accountability?
It is upsetting that such a small group is fueling unease in our community.

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Your ignorance and lies prove my point perfectly. You have so much incorrect info in your post that it’s no wonder you are confused and frustrated. These books are not in the children’s section and they are NOT pornography. You sound so incredibly stupid when you insist that this is pornography. Maybe you should Google the term “porn” or “pornography” and educate yourself. Either way, mind your own business. As a tax paying citizen you don’t have automatic oversight over the library, hospital, police, fire, or any other gov agency/organization. If you don’t like a book, don’t read it. There is a strong chance MANY other people disagree with you and that’s why the book is there.

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Keep saying the books were not out in the open does not make it so. Too many pictures out there showing otherwise. Just last week pictures were posted here. See above.
Our community is now monitoring the library since we cannot trust the Salida Library staff and have been for 3-4 weeks now. They are not there to disrupt but will take pictures and call the police to press charges for child pornography.
There is a law in Colorado (18-7-102CRS which is a class 6 felony) against exposing children to any obscenity, be it in the form of books, magazines and letters. The definition of obscenity in this law is as follows:

  1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (1.5) of this section, a person commits wholesale promotion of obscenity if, knowing its content and character, such person wholesale promotes or possesses with intent to wholesale promote any obscene material.
  2. 2.5) (a) A person commits promotion of obscenity to a minor if, knowing its content and character, such person:

(I) Promotes to a minor or possesses with intent to promote to a minor any obscene material; or

(II) Produces, presents, or directs an obscene performance involving a minor or participates in a portion thereof that is obscene or that contributes to its obscenity.

(b) Promotion of obscenity to a minor is a class 6 felony.

A person who possesses six or more identical obscene materials is presumed to possess them with intent to promote the same. (Hmmm, makes one wonder why the library only ordered 5 child porn books).
This section does not apply to a person’s conduct otherwise proscribed by this section which occurs in that person’s residence as long as that person does not engage in the wholesale promotion or promotion of obscene material in his residence.

And Yes, the library did quietly remove the books. A library staff actually pm’d me on facebook confirming the removal of these child porn books but asked that i not give the name as doesn’t want to be fired. This staff member is absolutely appalled at the direction our local library is taking. Wish more staff would speak out but they are afraid. Same as the lady who first posted the pictures of the books out on the main floor. After the mob came to Salida she was too afraid and took them down but thankfully more and more pictures are showing that the library has lied to the public.

We need to keep monitoring and reporting to keep the kids safe. We need to press obscenity charges against the library and staff. They keep yelling “book ban” but this is not that. This is protecting children from porn.

I am sooo confused. You are all over the place: first you very specifically state the books were in the children’s area, now you have changed it to “out in the open”. Aren’t all shelves considered out in the open? The books have been and always were in the upstairs special collection are among adult books.
You lied about TaAnna Brown telling you this, which you stated all over neighborhood groups and other social media. Then proof has been given she didn’t.

First you state you know for a fact the books are in the Children’s section because a family member took down a plaque and saw it, took a picture, yet you don’t have the pictures, nor would you explain the whole plaque thing. Now you changed it to state a staff member PM’d you.
This conspiracy theory is getting wilder and wilder.
Poor Salida Library staff to have to endure this amount of lunacy. I guess it is good you are not a patron.

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Alright Kathy, pump the breaks.

The pictures above are at the Salida High School Library, which shouldn’t be confused with Salida Regional Library.

Which one are you mad at?

Yes, it would appear that both libraries own the titles you find to be “pornographic”- the Salida Regional Library has these books in their adult collection (WHERE THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IN CASE YOU GO BACK TO THAT NONSENSE AGAIN).

The high school library caters to older teens which don’t fall into the definition of “children”. So it would appear that both libraries are keeping the books in the proper areas for the proper audiences.

And no, the library didn’t remove the books. How many times can this be stated across different platforms. The books are where they have always been (LOUDER FOR THOSE IN THE BACK, THE BOOKS ARE WHERE THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN). Luckily they were in the right place to begin with. Your ignorance continues to astound me, as well as your ability to buckle your seatbelt and double down in the face of proof that your claims are bogus. Clearly a staff couldn’t message you about the changing location in the books, because they haven’t moved.

I wish you were brave enough to show the photos and messages (with name edited for privacy) and mysterious plaque information that you claim to have. It’s tough to substantiate anything you say because you refuse to provide proof. If you want to get people on your side, it is helpful to have items that prove your claims, not just repeated hearsay.

I’m sure the library doesn’t mind the monitoring. Maybe some of your hall monitors will check out a book or two while they’re there, it seems like some education would do a body good.

Can’t wait to see your pictures, seems like the monitors haven’t had much to post lately.

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This sounds like revisionist history. Here is how things occurred in the real world:

In his letter to the Mountain Mail, Father Jim said:

"Children today are carrying burdens that are way too heavy for them. If parents think their children are
mature enough for a subject, that should be the parent’s decision.

Having books available to parents in the adult section is one thing, but direct access for a child is too heavy. Children don’t see and feel the world the same way as adults"

What is so egregious about Father Jim’s letter if the Library never had the books in the children’s section in the first place?

If it is the oft-repeated charge that his letter used the term “perversion”? In Catholic lingo, this means acts that fall outside the teachings of the church. This covers quite a lot of territory compared to the everyday lives of us normal mortals. But many attributed their own definition to the word perversion, then got hysterical about their own incorrect interpretation.

If these books were never in the children’s library, a simple statement to that effect from the Library Management would have ended the controversy before it even got started. Simple misunderstanding.

Instead, within hours of the Rosary Rally flyer being leaked to Director Matthews, a massive anti-protest rally was already being planned.

During that rally, all I heard was condemnation of “censorship”. I do not remember children being mentioned. Did I miss it?

I have been trying to work with Director Matthews to reach an accommodation.

But if what you are saying is true, and these books were never in the children’s library, then the response from SRL management was so bad, so botched, I do not see how they are capable of holding their positions. In a crisis, communication is key. Did I miss the press releases from the SRL management, updating the public on what was really going on? Defusing the crisis?

That’s right, there were no press releases or official library facebook posts. Looking at official SRL mass communication, you would never know anything unusual occurred.

Instead, we got the following which served to fan the flames:

  1. Susan Mathews quoted repeatedly on a fringe blog called the Ark Valley Voice. I missed the part where she says these books were not in the children’s library. This sounds more like a defense of having these materials for children: Book Banning Topic Points Toward Denial of Human Rights - by Jan Wondra - Ark Valley Voice

“You don’t have to read it — you don’t have to check it out. But you can’t restrict the freedom of others just because you don’t like something,” said Salida Regional Library System Library Director Susan Matthews speaking to Ark Valley Voice yesterday. She is planning a positive rally in support of the library at 12:45 on April 19."

Or how about this one, another great but lost opportunity to say the books are away from children: Book Banning and the First Amendment the Target of April 19 Rosary Rally - by Jan Wondra - Ark Valley Voice

"Asked about the list of books contained in the flier, Matthews said “I know all of them, but we don’t own all of them. In fact, we have four on that list, physically, but we share resources with 30-some libraries.” She explained that this library-sharing program means that smaller libraries don’t need to buy all the books to have access to them. “The irony,” said Matthews, “Is that since this flier was circulated, they have since been checked out.”

  1. A protest Rally, organized by the library itself, that never addressed the core issue raised by the Rosary Rally flyer: the belief that these books were in the children’s library.

  2. Letters and posts from Library employees who mostly did not identify themselves as library employees-attacking those with questions. Was it official library policy to send out an army of hyper-emotional minions, who can launch personal attacks without any accountability for their bosses?

Last week I made an official request to Director Mathews and the SRL Board of Trustees to provide a public statement clearing up any misconceptions. This was a sincere attempt on my part to bridge the divide, and work together for the betterment of the library. I still await their response.

But reading the hate-filled, intolerant rants here makes me wonder.
And yes, as a taxpayer I have every right to question the actions of library management.
Are only people who agree with you allowed to protest? Is that the new standard?
I missed where applicability of the First Amendment stops at my doorstep.

So, I’d like to finish by summarizing what I think you people are saying:

  1. Images of underage boys flossing with each other’s tally-whackers is certainly not porn.
  2. Since Gender Queer is not kiddie porn in your eyes, it should actually be in the SRL kid’s section.
  3. Despite this appropriateness for all ages, Gender Queer was never in the kids’ section, it was in the adult section all along.
  4. Rather than just acknowledge this simple fact up front, it made more sense to organize a 300-person rally to shout down people requesting that you do what you were already doing.

Does that about cover it??

If these books were never in the children’s section, all the library had to do was say so publicly, early and often, to the Catholic Church and anyone else.

In the meantime, OI have to observe that it must be painful walk around so full of hatred. I feel bad for you.

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I think you fully missed what “you people” are saying. Which is a shame. Maybe your intentions were good coming into this, but they’re been rather turned around.

I’m well aware of how things “occurred in the real world”- if Father Jim or the church was concerned about what was in the library, perhaps they would have been better served by contacting the library directly or going into the library and ascertaining with their own eyes what books were present and where they were located. Instead they opted to disseminate a flyer condemning titles they clearly know very little about.

Are you a patron of the library? Do you use their services regularly? Are you familiar with any of the staff? The library should not need to defend itself, if people are concerned about what is available then simply reach out to the library staff as I have done. They are happy to talk. They shouldn’t need to issue press releases or official statements or mass communication over the content of their library. Libraries are for everyone and have content for everyone.

You concern about the librarians identifying themselves is also unfounded. Of the letters and postings that I saw, several of them went out of their way to mention that they worked at the library. It was clear they were trying to do so in order to get the truth out there. It’s odd that some members of this forum and the public at large choose to believe people who have not been in the library recently (their ignorance is obvious from their general lack of knowledge of the books they are so upset about) and want to completely ignore the staff giving honest information. I saw librarians inviting people to the library to have a tour and a discussion. Hyper-emotional minions seems a bit much for people who care about their jobs, the books and their community.

To respond to your numbered points. You’ve again, completely missed the point. You clearly don’t have a great read on what “you people” are saying.

  1. If you’re referring to “Gender Queer”- no it is not porn. It is a graphic novel with a wide variety of images depicting the authors journey of self and sexual discovery.
  2. No, it should not be in the kid’s section. It should be in the adult section where it is located. Gender Queer is not written for children. It’s common ignorance amongst folks who don’t read that all graphic novels are for children. They are not.
  3. Gender Queer was in the adult section all along. You’re finally getting it!! So proud.
  4. This fact was acknowledged up front. I think the 300 person rally was a community showing support for their library and agreeing that just because a person doesn’t like a specific book, does not mean it should be removed from the library.

If the library was already doing what folks wanted, it seems like a moot point.

I think that covers it.