Salida Rosary Rally at the Salida Regional Library

Your responses in this forum serve to reinforce the need for an official, public, comprehensive written account of events from the Salida Regional Library Director and Board of Trustees.

My own research indicates that SRL serves as an ideologically partisan clubhouse. The freedom with which the more radical members of SRL staff feel free to act as ad hoc spokespeople, while SRL senior management continue to stay mute on the sidelines, feeds this narrative.

This situation has transcended the fallout from the Rosary Rally. It goes to the reality that public employees, whose paycheck is funded by taxpayers, must not be use their position to push their own political agenda on the job. I feel like I am watching the movie Footloose, with SRL Staff comprising an ideologically opposite but no less intolerant version of John Lithgow.

I am stunned at your assertion that taxpayers cannot protest government action. Meanwhile, paid SRL employees protested the actions of taxpayers-while on the job being paid by those very same taxpayers!

I will be renewing my request for a public statement from SRL management, whose silence up to this point is irresponsible, and has fed the division. If they refuse, I will be forced to fill the void.

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PTBSkeptic, Revisionist? I think not. Let me now be the voice of truth.

Having met with Ms. Mathews in the library, just after the cancelled rally and celebration of the library, she explained to me the turn of events and how she attempted to avert it. In short here is what we discussed:

She called Father Jim on Monday morning, the 10th of April, after having received an email from a board member as well as multiple calls from community members on Easter Sunday, who saw the flyer and then on Monday apparently more church members/library patrons brought the flier into the library upset about the rally and what it meant to the library. Father Jim was out and Mathews was told by church office that they would text him to get him to call her back ASAP. Well, as of the day we met, he had still never called her back.

She stated she wanted to ask him what the intention was, where this accusation was coming from, or was it just a regurgitation of an America Needs Fatima mailing, and why a rally across from the library? She wanted clarity since at the time the library only owned 2 of the books on the list and they were not in the kid’s area - a point she did make when discussing this with a lady who called herself the “captain” of the rally. I guess they own 5 now, per discussion further up the thread- must have been donations.

Anyway, she mentioned that since Father Jim had not called her by the 12th, she reached out to the Colo. Spgs Diocese and received a return call soon after leaving a message. The Deacon she spoke with she described as kind, expressed this was very non-typical and stated he was sure Father Jim would call her back, but in the meantime, he gave her some questions to pose to Father Jim when he did, similar to the questions she already had. He mentioned they did not as a diocese acknowledge the group America Needs Fatima, but it was up to the individual congregations whom they associated with. He seemed concerned it was being planned in front of a public library as that is not the norm for rosary rallies that they are usually on church grounds. They also discussed the press releases and stance the Co Spgs Diocese had taken against hate and the divisive words used in the Rally ad.

So, you are correct that there could have been more understanding on both sides. But, the library extended an olive branch that Father Jim did not take. That was a missed opportunity.

Want to point blame? Is that worth it? Did the church, or the organizers of this rally call or go to the library to find out if they actually had the books and where they were located before calling all librarians pushers of perversion? No, they did not. Making such general statements without due diligence is the same as someone saying all clergy wearing a collar are pedophiles.

Ms. Mathews does not need to answer pleas from letters to the editor of the Mountain Mail, people need to stop assuming and seek answers forthright. This game of using social media platforms to spread lies is disgusting.
A ball was dropped and it was by Father Jim.
I am sure this is on deaf ears as once someone sets their mind to know they are right, reason and common sense go out the door.
Our local library is great and it has way more than 300 supporters who would showed up to support it again. It serves over 10K patrons and keeps going up.

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I realize Father Jim did not speak with Susan Mathews. I agree that he should have done so.

All of you are speaking on behalf of SRL management and mounting a defense of their actions, based on what you are told.

Meanwhile SRL Management thus far have refused to speak publicly for themselves. Why?


“Forced to fill the void”

Hmmmm, it just keeps feeling like you’re grasping here. There is no void to be filled. You clearly have no unique knowledge of any part of the situation other than what you’ve decided was mishandled. Your assertions just feel like opinions, which is fine, until you start passing your opinions around as gospel truth.

It seems that mishandling came from the Catholic Church and the folks who wanted to rally outside the library. It would have been so much simpler for those concerned to just ask some questions and visit the library themselves. Father Jim’s apparent refusal to discuss anything with Ms. Matthews is certainly not a good sign of the church being willing to educate itself. Have you discussed anything Father Jim? Are you trying to get the “truth” from him as you seem to be from the library staff? This seems like a fairly one sided search on your part. I think the Catholic Church may be the ones acting like John Lithgow here, intolerant based on very little education or understanding. Let the kids dance John!

Your assertions of mismanagement are baseless, the library doesn’t need to constantly be on the defensive explaining why it owns each book it purchases.

Spend any time in the library, any library for that matter, and you will see that they have books on every subject. That’s the point. Libraries have something for everyone. If you feel that the library should have more books on a given subject, request that they add them to their collection. I’ve requested books be purchased in the past, and they’ve always been honored.Because you and those who choose to follow the opinions you pontificate have chosen to focus on a few titles that you’ve deemed “pornographic”.

Maybe the library can respond the same way Father Jim did. I wonder if the Mountain Mail will give them front page access… It’s got to be a colossal waste of their time to constantly have to deal with requests from those to ignorant to enter the building and educate themselves.

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This is an open forum for discourse and discussion, opposing viewpoints and evidence are welcome. New members are limited in their postings because of the Discourse Trust Levels.

The Discourse forum has five trust levels. Trust levels are a way of…
1.) Sandboxing new users in the community so that they cannot accidentally hurt themselves, or other users while they are learning what to do.
2.) Granting experienced users more rights over time, so that they can help everyone maintain and moderate the community they generously contribute so much of their time to.

We believe this trust system has been a success so far, as it leads to a stronger, more sustainable community by carefully empowering members, regulars, and leaders to curate and lead their own communities.

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Well, looks like the Salida library staff is now out in force on this site with their bullying and name calling regarding the child porn in our local library. We all know this was never about book banning but shutting people up who oppose child pornography in our local library.

Just to let you all know this started against me on facebook Salida discussion page. I called for a local boycott of the Salida Library until the child pornography books in question were moved to the adult section. NO WHERE did I EVER say the books were in the children’s section. Susan Matthews certainly did not mention in her speech to the 300+ divisive bullies who invaded our town that the books were in the adult section at that time, if they ever were, and that was certainly a perfect opportunity. This also could’ve eliminated the public’s’ perception of a coverup from her and the library staff on where the books actually were if she would’ve been straight forward from the beginning. No mention was made from her until the public started questioning why they were not in the adult section, then they all started backpedaling.

When I started questioning on facebook why the books were where children can have access to these child porn books or why the library would even buy these child porn books, I was attacked by the library staff, and even Susan Matthews calling me a liar. PTBSkeptic is absolutely correct in questioning these events as any tax payer should be able to, as this is a tax funded public library.

Now to say the picture above is at the high school and not the library is even more alarming! Do these people even know how harmful all pornographic material is to not only children but to teens?? I’m sure parents didn’t know these explicit sexual content books were even available to students at the high school, but they sure do now! The real question for the high school and our tax funded library is who made the decision to buy these child porn books and why. Both the library and the high school owe tax payers an answer.

I know the library staff and Susan Matthews don’t like to hear these books called child porn but that is exactly what they are. Even social media/television cannot display them since they are so explicit. And to those of you who keep telling me I need to see them, believe me, I did (and wish I could unsee them) and was absolutely appalled and sickened that any child/teen would see and be exposed to them.

To the library staff saying there are no photos of these books out in the open at our library, there were quite a few circulating on facebook a week before the “protest” and invasion of our town. A few photos in particular, that I personally know about, is from an elderly lady who is now afraid, has pulled her photos down on facebook, and doesn’t want anyone to share them or lead them back to her. The divisive group who invaded our town with their intimidation and bullying tactics have made her so afraid that she now believes that if her photos are shared, that the bullies, along with Jimmy Sellars, and the library staff will show up at her door. This is a lady from Salida who has lived here all her life, and now is afraid. So let me ask all of you, how would you feel if someone made your gma (not saying she is my gma, but she is a gma) afraid with bullying and intimidation tactics?? I will no longer ask her to share her photos as it upsets her so badly not even to satisfy those attacking me. Sure would’ve helped me in these unfounded attacks against me on facebook but I’m not going to make her any more afraid than she is. Doesn’t that made you all proud that you shut up and bullied an elderly lady??

To address another lie about me mentioned here, TaAnna Brown, another library staff employee, did indeed say the books were “now” in the adult section on the facebook Salida Discussion page. I thanked her on the facebook Salida Discussion page and called off the boycott since that was all I was asking for was the books to be moved into the adult section. I then shut down the discussion and the admin of the page deleted it.

Regarding the elderly gentlemen who removed the plaque in the library dedicated to his wife, he did in fact remove it as he was so upset that there were even child porn books in the Salida library. Both he and his wife donated a lot of money to the library over the years since the then library staff ordered books for his wife in large print since she was having a hard time seeing and loved to read. When she passed away, her husband made a big donation to the library and they had a plaque dedicated to her. He said that in good conscience he could no longer have his wife’s name associated with the library who supported child pornography.

I notice a lot of name calling here (was on the facebook page, too) and that is never going to get anyone on your side of or accepted on face value. Just sounds like Susan Matthews and her library staff doth protest too much about the books only being in the adult section “all this time”. Two library staff members don’t even know how many of the child porn books were bought! One says 5, the other says 4! And the 3 library employees who wrote to the Mountain Mail in support of the child porn books in the library and trying to make it sound like book banning, certainly didn’t identify themselves as library employees.

Here is the definition of child pornography for those of you who keep insisting these sexually explicit books are not pornography:
Child pornography (also called CP, child sexual abuse material, CSAM, child porn, or kiddie porn) is pornography that unlawfully exploits children for sexual stimulation**
A simplified explanation but you get the picture as that is exactly what these books are meant to do.

Again, as I’ve stated many times, I don’t care what kind of lifestyle you live as an adult but you do not have a right to expose or indoctrinate any child/teen under the age of 18 to child porn to fit your own agenda/ideology. That is the law! Children/Teens can make their own choices when they themselves become adults.

I am glad that our observers at the library have not found any more child porn books anywhere but the adult section. That means one less child/teen will be harmed and can remain innocent.

I’m sad that our Salida Library can no longer be trusted to be a safe place for children/teens especially since my family has a long history with this library. My 2 great great aunts were part of the Tuesday Evening Club of 11 women in the 1890’s who helped to establish our Salida Library. I remember as a kid being dropped off at a library and I did the same for my kids. Breaks my heart that parents can no longer trust our library to be able to do that.

There is a movement in Colorado to remove all Colorado libraries from public tax funding but I still cannot fully support that yet (didn’t support it all before all this child porn books issue came about) despite that it just might be time to shut down libraries, especially with the type of people now running them. With the internet, most people can get their books online but I’m still not fully convinced on this proposed initiative as I loved our library and would hate to see it go but something does have to change to protect children. The removal of tax funding to libraries is making it’s way to being on the Colorado ballot with collecting of signatures so we will see what the people of Colorado choose if it even makes the ballot.

Oh goodness. There is so much to unpack here.

"No where did I EVER say the books were in the children’s section. Susan Matthews certainly did not mention in her speech to the 300+ divisive bullies who invaded our town that the books were in the adult section at that time, if they ever were, and that was certainly a perfect opportunity.

  1. Susan Matthews did not give a speech at the library that day. You must have her confused with another community member who spoke as she did not. I’m sure if you contact her or anyone else directly they can confirm that.

  2. I’m confused. You say you didn’t say they were in the children’s section, but wanted them moved to the adult section. Where did you think they were? Also, you wanted them moved to the location they are already in. Can you please clarify?

  3. 300+ divisive bullies who invaded our town. I was there that day, and it was so many locals. I knew almost ever face I saw in the crowd. It’s wonderful if folks from out of town drove in to show their support, but I think you would know if you had attended that it was hundreds of our local population that showed up to support the library.

  4. “No mention was made from her until the public started questioning why they were not in the adult section.” Again I will say, if you didn’t SAY they were in the kids section and simply wanted them moved, why didn’t you bother to go to the library and check their location before spouting false information on social media.

  5. Did you ever think that maybe people came out so vehemently against your postings on Facebook because they’re so full of misinformation?

  6. More truth, the photos above were captioned as being at the high school library, not the public library.

  7. If parents take an active role in what their children read, they probably do know about these books. I also just want to make a slight detour. Have you heard of the internet? Do you know what content is on the internet? All of it, way more than children can discover in these books. Do you know how many children have access to the entire content of the internet from handy pocket sized devices (read: phones). I’m digressing here, but I just want to make sure you’re aware of all the other dangers out there, I hope you’re reacting accordingly.

  8. Maybe they don’t like it being referred to as child porn because that isn’t what they are.

  9. Intimidation and bullying tactics. What exactly has been happening? Are there book-reading folks patrolling town to make sure everyone else is reading that they say? Or are there folks in the community spouting about what we can and should read and what should be available and where? It feels like a site like this would be such a perfect forum for sharing such controversial photos (read: tons of anonymity). It’s amazing she was brave enough to go to the library, find the controversial books, carry them downstairs and to the other side of the building and locate them in a spot that she felt was inappropriate and then snap a picture. It’s odd to have such bravery fail now, when there could be PROOF. PROOF that would show everyone that you’re right and we’re wrong. It’s amazing they were available for her to take these photos, last time I was in the library they were checked out. Since I didn’t do any bullying and I’m unclear who did any bullying, I don’t think we can fairly say she was bullied by this mysterious mob of zealots.

  10. I feel like you should stop attacking Ms. Brown, seems like she might have a building case for slander. Putting words in her mouth that you cannot prove is a risky move. I posted some photos earlier from that discussion page (thanks screen shots) and she did not state anything about the titles being relocated. So I feel that you maybe misunderstood something.

  11. Library staff have confirmed no plaque has been removed. Call and verify. (719-539-4826)

  12. I read the letters to the editor and there was one from a staff who identified themselves as a staff member. I also don’t know if their being employees needs to be identified in their letters. Anyone can write a letter to the Mtn. Mail, it doesn’t matter where you work. Who cares if employees write letters in support of their workplace? It’s strange they feel attacked by social media preachers.

  13. Do you know what the definition of book banning is? You repeatedly say you don’t want to ban books but so we’re clear. The ALA states that “A challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. A banning is the removal of those materials. Challenges do not simply involve a person expressing a point of view; rather, they are an attempt to remove material from the curriculum or library, thereby restricting the access of others.”
    It feels that you very clearly would prefer if these items were removed from the library (i.e. a book ban), but I’m sure I’m getting muddled because again your intentions seem to be all over the place.

  14. Thank you for your definition of child pornography. That clears up the fact that these books are not in fact child porn. They are not exploiting children for sexual stimulation. They generally are memoirs about people’s life and sexual experiences.

  15. As you’ve stated. Great. But your opinion does not get to become the rule. You can think and feel whatever you want, but you don’t get to decide what others think and feel. You don’t get to decide what children get to view either. You can control one small little part of the world, yours and your families. You can’t choose for the rest of us. State your opinions all you want, but that’s as far as they can go. Just your opinions.

  16. Thanks goodness for the hall monitors patrolling the library. Thank goodness they’re protecting the children. Are they slapping the cell phones out of their hands too? Are they monitoring their browsing history? I think you are extremely disconnected from the youth of today.

  17. It’s so wonderful your family helped contribute to the beginning of the library. Have you been in since? Sounds like you did a lot of dropping off, but not a lot of browsing. Don’t worry, plenty of parents still bring their kids to the library, they also still drop them off.

  18. OOOOOOHHHHHH, the defund the library fallback. It’s great we can revert to classics when discussions don’t go our way. You’re right with the internet, folks can get their books online. The library provides a great app for readers to get e-books/e-audio books, periodicals etc, but I’m sure you knew that. With the internet they can also get their porn, their child porn, their world news, their dick pics, they can cyberbully, they can pontificate, and they can also put a megaphone to their keyboard and spread misinformation and nonsense to the masses without any real credibility to back it up.

I think I need to agree to disagree.

If you want dialogue and discourse, then muzzling new members until they’ve proved their worthiness is nonsense.

Summary of Emails to and from Salida Regional Library Director Susan Matthews:

4/9/23 to 2/21/23

Library Cora Email sheet.pdf (555.2 KB)

Click on image to enlarge

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Here are Susan Matthew’s emails from after the Rosary Rally flyer was distributed.

To view the emails, click on the link below, and then click on download button. The emails will appear in your browser.

Thank you for sharing this! It is absolutely spot on!! I’ve been asking the same questions since this started and have been threatened and bullied for just asking these questions, for daring to question why a local library would even order child porn books at tax payers expense and why anyone (after doing their research on these books) would even support these disgusting books. Pretty bad when even our newspaper cannot print them or television will not show them. Vince Phillips is absolutely correct in stating this all could’ve been avoided if the library director had be upfront at the beginning (if they really were in the adult section) and this all could’ve been avoid. Sounds a little fishy to me. I’m hoping parents will be very careful about taking their children to our library if these kind of employees support child porn.

If I remember correctly, the Library Director DID try and contact the Catholic church the day after Easter to try and figure out what was happening. They did not call back…AND, why is it the library’s job to educate everyone else? If people had questions, they could have looked into it themselves with a quick call to the library, as the Church should have done before they decided to hold a rally, then cancel.

The whole “article” in the paper today sounds like a person who is trying to perpetuate something that both sides have already spoken their truths about. Yet This Vince Phillips wants to continue to beat it to the ground. Maybe it’s time to find some volunteer opportunities in the community Vince, make a positive stamp on the community, not a stamp filled with anger and frustration. Honestly, the article sounded like it was written by someone who felt left out and wasn’t being invited to something.

And, Kathy…FYI, when I went back through and read all your previous comments, at NO TIME did you " I’ve been asking the same questions since this started and have been threatened and bullied for just asking these questions". You blatantly stated over and over again that the library was lying and that you had family who saw the books in the children’s area, took pictures, etc.

I went on this site hoping to hear some conversation and listen to differing intellectual opinions of things going on in town, but it seems to be about 5 people (it seems a couple of people have two accounts) who want to regurgitate their personal opinions over and over and over and over…exhausting.

Best of luck. I will remove myself from this foolishness.

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Below I have attached two letters which appeared in the Mountain Mail.

These letters have quite a bit in common:

  1. They are written by Salida Regional Library employees.
  2. Neither letter acknowledges the authors conflict of interest as paid library employees.
  3. Neither letter informs us that the books in question were never in the children’s library.
  4. Both letters seem to defend that the library defines their own standards, and no one, but especially members of the Catholic Church, can be allowed to question any action taken by the Library.

Please read the Susan Matthews emails. Library Management and at least some employees were enjoying the notoriety. Congratulations for the brave stand came from library management all over Colorado. You could even say that Salida Library Staff was basking in the limelight. Never a mention these books were not actually in the children’s library.

Whether you like it or not, people are allowed to disagree. It does not automatically render them evil and worthy of only contempt. The reality is the library staff was practicing the same type of intolerance they claim resides only in others. There was a time when those in charge used official power and threats to silence the gay community. Now you are doing the same to silence the Catholic community. Same shit, different day. You think of yourselves as being so evolved but are instead the ideological descendant of the troglodyte gay haters of the past. You have just chosen a different target to bash. Stop hating. Start thinking.

Responds to Rev. James Williams

  • Apr 28, 2023

Dear Editor:

I am compelled to respond to Rev. James Williams’ recent thoughts on book banning and (canceled) Rosary Rally. I’m writing as a member of the community, parent and book advocate.

It’s been said the best way to eliminate prejudice and ignorance is to travel. However, not everyone has the means to travel and the closest some may get to learning about other cultures and societies is through books, movies and music

Through books I have hidden in a closet in Warsaw, sat in a car where a Black man was shot for reaching for his wallet, watched a mother’s heart shatter as her boy was bullied for wearing dresses. I’ve been homeless, rich, 4 years old, an astronaut and had various disabilities. I’ve felt compassion, joy, heartache and pain. I’ve cried and rejoiced. I’ve learned countless things about other cultures, religions, ethnicities and countries. The most priceless thing I’ve learned? Empathy.

Rev. James quotes “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom. He’s fortunate he has access to this book as it has been challenged in various school libraries.

He references a part where the girl asks her father about sex, and he decides the knowledge is too heavy for her to bear.

Yes, there are weights too heavy for our children to carry. One’s a cellphone, with direct access to every burden imaginable – past, current, some not even real. Teens are depressed and suicidal at an all-time high; they are carrying heavy burdens. This weight is social media, not literature from libraries.

So, what can we do? I hope Rev. James agrees with me. As parents, we can guide children toward books with experiences that teach and speak to them. As a society, we trust families to make these decisions themselves. We trust the right stories will make it into the right hands, at the right time. We have open, honest conversations with our teens. We are involved and accepting. We do not judge. We do not dictate what other parents are allowed to teach their children. We never decide to remove a book from a shelf that may just be the lifeline that some other soul needs. It is not for us to decide for everyone.

Once you request literature removed from shelves, you set a precedent. You set a precedent that the next book to be challenged and removed might just be yours.

TaAnna Brown,


Feels ‘response is required‘

  • May 11, 2023

Dear Editor:

To say that I feel compelled to respond to Rev. Williams’ response to his church’s actions would be an understatement; I feel a response is required. As a parent, daughter, sister, human, friend, ally and, yes, a librarian, I feel that the “church” and Rev. Williams’ response is morally repugnant, insulting and degrading.

The Catholic church has been hiding years of sexual abuse by its clergy. It is ironic that they feel the need to “protect the children” from items available in libraries. Perhaps they should spend a little time protecting children from the perversion available within the church itself.

Rev. Williams felt the need to go on the defensive and state, “We stood falsely accused of targeting the LGBTQ+ community.” Every book on their circulated list was an LGBTQ±related title. So, is that just a coincidence? The church wouldn’t target a specific group, would they?

These titles are not “perversion that is being pushed into our nation’s children at their schools and libraries.” Libraries do not require their patrons to read anything; they simply make items available for those who would like to read them. The reverend states that “many who condemn us have not seen the books at the heart of this matter.” I ask, has he? I have. Not all to be fair, but most of them. I’ve read “Gender Queer”; I’ve discussed the subject matter with my children as I believe it will make them move through the world with more grace and kindness in their hearts. This is my choice as a parent, which each family and individual gets to make for themselves.

That’s the root of it. The church does not get to make these choices for me or for anyone. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. But don’t tell me or anyone else what books we’re allowed to read, or what books belong in the library. All books belong in the library; the shelves hold something for everyone, whatever your journey is.

In the not too distant past, the Bible was often the target of removal from libraries, due to its graphic, violent, misogynistic, abusive, murdering and judgmental content.

To Rev. Williams, I say, have your rosary party but keep it away from the library. Salida showed up for the library and Salida will show up again. The library will continue to have titles for everyone.

Amy Potts,


Nostradamus had nothing on Paul Harvey:

Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil… - YouTube


“If I were the devil … If I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness. And I’d have a third of its real estate, and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree — Thee.

So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first — I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.

To the young, I would whisper that ‘The Bible is a myth.’ I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what’s bad is good, and what’s good is ‘square.’ And the old, I would teach to pray, after me, ‘Our Father, which art in Washington…

And then I’d get organized. I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting, so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I’d pedal narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

If I were the devil I’d soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves; until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.

If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions — just let those run wild, until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door.

Within a decade I’d have prisons overflowing, I’d have judges promoting pornography — soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress. And in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and deify science.

I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls, and church money. If I were the devil I’d make the symbols of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle.

If I were the devil I’d take from those who have, and give to those who want until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.

And what do you bet I could get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich? I would caution against extremes and hard work in Patriotism, in moral conduct. I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on the TV is the way to be. And thus, I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure. In other words, if I were the devil I’d just keep right on doing what he’s doing.”

Paul Harvey, good day

Haven’t these been posted before?

  1. Yes, they are written by employees. If you spent any time in the library you would know these employees. The second letters author clearly states that she is a librarian.
  2. Should they not be allowed to defend their library? Should all letter writers have to state their occupation and place of employment, so dedicated conspiracy theorists can discredit them just because of where they work?
  3. Perhaps if you had taken any second of your busy day to swing by the library or ask directly, this question could have been answered. Instead you brave warriors took to Discourse and Facebook to spread what you believed was the truth. Even when told how misinformed you were, many of you doubled down, refusing to acknowledge that you could possibly have been wrong.
  4. Questioning and curiosity are different than rally’s built around hate. Rally’s that directly target a specific group of books are not questions. Feel free to ask questions, but maybe ask questions of the institution directly instead of handing out fliers and organizing ignorant rally’s.

Yes, people are allowed to disagree, but when it turns out that you’re wrong, perhaps you could take a second and acknowledge the mistakes made and then move forward. Instead we’re back to re-posting letters to the editor. Didn’t we already ascertain that the books were NEVER in the children’s area? So what is the fuss?

You’re right, same shit different day, but I think you might be incorrect about who is the ideological descendant…

Thank you for sharing these emails that show pretty much nothing. No huge conspiracies. Lots of folks sending messages of support and offering assistance.

I think you are mistaking threats and bullying for folks trying to stop you spreading the WRONG information on any platform that will have you. From all the posts of yours I read, you blatantly refused to consider your information might be incorrect. Even when confronted on Facebook by library staff you blindly plowed forward completely disregarding anything anyone said that was contrary to what you had decided. All that sounds fishy to me.

The employees don’t support child porn, they do support free access to information for EVERYONE. It’s clear that you do not spend much time in libraries, but you sure spend a lot of time talking about them.

Is someone going to post the letter in today’s Mountain Mail in response to this nonsense? You know, in the interest of fair discourse?

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